Учим глаголы английского языка упражнения

646 просмотров
29 января 2019

Упражнения «Неправильные глаголы» (с ответами)

1. Поставьте недостающие формы неправильных глаголов.

Инфинитив II форма глагола III форма глагола

Н-р: be was/were been

become became become

2. Поставьте инфинитив из скобок в форму прошедшего простого (Present Simple) или настоящего совершенного (Present Perfect) времени, используя II или III форму глагола.

Н-р: My aunt … to see me yesterday. (come) (Моя тетя приходила навестить меня вчера.) – My aunt came to see me yesterday.

You … so sensitive, Sam. (become) (Ты стал таким чувствительным, Сэм.) – You have become so sensitive, Sam.

  1. Look! Our cat … a mouse. (catch) (Посмотри! Наша кошка поймала мышь.)
  2. He … a job through the Internet last week. (find) (Он нашел работу через интернет на прошлой неделе.)
  3. I drank some juice and … much better. (feel) (Я выпил немного сока и почувствовал себя намного лучше.)
  4. We just … over the Amazon. (fly) (Мы только что пролетели над Амазонкой.)
  5. They … a new concert-hall in August. (build) (Они построили новый концертный зал в августе.)
  6. Pete … a parcel to New York on Monday. (send) (Петя отправил бандероль в Нью-Йорк в понедельник.)
  7. My dad … me some money before I left. (give) (Отец дал мне немного денег, перед тем как я ушел.)
  8. I already … you 200 dollars. (lend) (Я уже дал тебе взаймы 200 долларов.)
  9. The trainer … the ball to me but I didn’t catch it. (throw) (Тренер бросил мне мяч, но я его не поймал.)
  10. She … exclusive clothes and drove expensive cars. (wear) (Она носила эксклюзивную одежду и водила дорогие машины.)
  11. I … plenty of photos in Brazil. (take) (Я сделал много фотографий в Бразилии.)
  12. My neighbor … me unbelievable news today. (tell) (Моя соседка рассказала мне невероятные новости сегодня.)
  13. My son was sleeping, so I … the door quietly. (shut) (Мой сын спал, поэтому я тихо закрыл дверь.)
  14. I woke up at 7, … my bed and went to the bathroom. (make) (Я проснулась в 7, заправила кровать и пошла в ванную.)
  15. I walked into the house and … some strange noise. (hear) (Я вошел в дом и услышал какой-то странный шум.)
  16. We never … a double-decker before. (see) (Мы никогда раньше не видели двухэтажный автобус.)
  17. It’s the best picture you ever … (draw) (Это лучший рисунок, который ты когда-либо рисовал.)
  18. Somebody … my purse. (steal) (Кто-то украл мой кошелек.)
  19. Food prices … twice last year. (grow) (Цены на продукты возросли вдвое в прошлом году.)
  20. Jane … her new passport last month. (get) (Джейн получила новый паспорт в прошлом месяце.)

begin – began – begun break – broke broken bring – brought – brought

buy — bought – bought choose – chose – chosen cost – cost cost

cut cut – cut drink – drank — drunk drive — drove — driven

eat – ate eaten fall fell – fallen feel – felt felt

forget – forgot – forgotten go – went – gone hide – hid hidden

hurt — hurt – hurt know – knew – known leave – left – left

lose – lost — lost meet – met – met put – put – put

read – read – read run – ran – run see – saw – seen

sell – sold – sold sing – sang – sung speak – spoke – spoken

spend – spent — spent swim – swam – swum teach – taught – taught

think – thought – thought understand – understood – understood

win – won – won write – wrote – written

  1. has caught
  2. found
  3. felt
  4. We have just flown over the Amazon.
  5. built
  6. sent
  7. gave
  8. I have already lent you 200 dollars.
  9. threw
  10. wore
  11. have taken
  12. has told
  13. shut
  14. made
  15. heard
  16. We have never seen a double-decker before.
  17. It’s the best picture you have ever drawn .
  18. has stolen
  19. grew
  20. got

Упражнения на неправильные глаголы

Рубрика: Грамматика

Упражнение 1:

Вспомните, от какого инфинитива образована указанная ниже форма глагола:

Упражнение 2:

Употребите глаголы в прошедшем времени Past Simple:

  1. They (lose) the keys last week.
  2. I (give) my mother a CD for Christmas.
  3. He (tell) me that he lived in Toronto.
  4. We (hear) about the storm on the news.
  5. They (find out) that it (be) my birthday.
  6. I (sleep) very well last night.
  7. He (feel) bad about failing the test.
  8. Who (meet) you at the airport?
  9. I (see) the weather forecast earlier.
  10. I (wake up) at 6 am, (have) breakfast quickly and I (go) to work.
  11. She (stand) under a tree to shelter from the rain.
  12. Finally my mother (let) me go to a party.
  13. Billy (run) after the bus.
  14. She (wear) her new coat.
  15. Lucy (pay) the bill before leaving the restaurant.

Упражнение 3:

Употребите глаголы в Present Perfect ( have/has + V3 ):

  1. You (see) Kim yet?
  2. I (find) my credit card.
  3. Look! Joy (send) you a letter.
  4. We (be) here for two weeks.
  5. They (write) to the politician.
  6. We (eat) too much chocolate.
  7. You (know) David for ten years.
  8. How much coffee you (drink) today?
  9. They (take) the exam?
  10. Why you (bring) that?
  11. My dad (break) his leg.
  12. Google (become) one of the most popular search engines.
  13. They (make) a lot of money.
  14. You (do) today’s homework yet?
  15. Where you (hide) the money?


  1. To leave
  2. To have
  3. To run
  4. To read
  5. To grow
  6. To cut
  7. To sleep
  8. To think
  9. To know
  10. To speak
  11. To bring
  12. To get
  13. To break
  14. To be
  15. To say
  1. They lost the keys last week.
  2. I gave my mother a CD for Christmas.
  3. He told me that he lived in Toronto.
  4. We heard about the storm on the news.
  5. They found out that it was my birthday.
  6. I slept very well last night.
  7. He felt bad about failing the test.
  8. Who met you at the airport?
  9. I saw the weather forecast earlier.
  10. I woke up at 6 am, had breakfast quickly and I went to work.
  11. She stood under a tree to shelter from the rain.
  12. Finally my mother let me go to a party.
  13. Billy ran after the bus.
  14. She wore her new coat.
  15. Lucy paid the bill before leaving the restaurant.
  1. Have you seen Kim yet?
  2. I have found my credit card.
  3. Look! Joy has sent you a letter.
  4. We have been here for two weeks.
  5. They have written to the politician.
  6. We have eaten too much chocolate.
  7. You have known David for ten years.
  8. How much coffee have you drunk today?
  9. Have they taken the exam?
  10. Why have you brought that?
  11. My dad has broken his leg.
  12. Google has become one of the most popular search engines.
  13. They have made a lot of money.
  14. Have you done today’s homework yet?
  15. Where have you hidden the money?

Неправильные глаголы упражнения

1. Найдите в следующем списке глаголов неправильные и дайте все три формы этих глаголов.

come – want – use – give – eat – read – finish – take – try – ask – begin – help – let – play – leave – know – seem – work – think – swim – move – live – run – bring

2. Найдите в тексте 2-ую и 3-ю формы неправильных глаголов и распределите их в соответствующие колонки.

II форма III форма

Chris is a professional artist. He fell in love with drawing when he was 3 years old. He spent all days long in the garden with a box of crayons and a drawing-pad. Now he has already sold more than 200 of his paintings. He has taken part in the International exhibition of modern artists this year and has won praise as the youngest artist there. Two years ago Chris met a nice girl, Anna. So last Saturday they got married and today they have flown to the Maldives.

3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок во II форму и переведите предложения.

1. He … (drive) his grandfather to the doctor.

2. Jack … (wear) a strange red tie.

3. Little Greg … (blow) out 5 candles on his birthday cake.

4. They … (hold) an opera festival in August.

5. We accidentally … (break) the umbrella.

6. My daughter … (lose) her way in a new city.

7. My mother … (make) vanilla pancakes in the morning.

8. Mary … (write) a long note in her diary.

9. Our cat … (catch) three mice in the garden.

10. I … (go) to the ballet school in my childhood.

4. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в III форму и переведите предложения.

1. My brother has … (take) his girlfriend to a Mexican restaurant.

2. Sam has … (fly) to Iceland

3. Susan has … (find) two interesting jobs at the agency this week.

4. I have already … (send) you about ten messages.

5. We have just … (meet) Mr. Jackson at the airport.

6. Where has your teacher … (go)?

7. Which wedding hat have you … (choose)?

8. Has Rachel ever … (be) abroad?

9. The train has just … (leave) the station.

10. I haven’t … (tell) her anything.


come – came – come

give – gave – given

eat – ate – eaten

read – read – read

take – took – taken

begin – began – begun

leave – left – left

know – knew – known

think – thought – thought

swim – swam – swum

bring – brought – brought

II форма III форма

1. drove (Он отвез дедушку к врачу.)
2. wore (Джек носил странный красный галстук.)
3. blew (Маленький Грег задул 5 свечей на именинном торте.)
4. held (Они провели оперный фестиваль в августе.)
5. broke (Мы нечаянно сломали зонт.)
6. lost (Моя дочь заблудилась в новом городе.)
7. made (Моя мама приготовила ванильные блины утром.)
8. wrote (Мэри написала длинную заметку в своем дневнике.)
9. caught (Наш кот поймал трех мышей в саду.)
10. went (Я ходила в балетную школу в детстве.)

1. taken (Мой брат повел свою подругу в мексиканский ресторан.)
2. flown (Сэм улетел в Исландию сегодня.)
3. found (Сюзан нашла две интересные работы в агентстве на этой неделе.)
4. sent (Я уже послала тебе около 10 сообщений.)
5. met (Мы только что встретили мистера Джексона в аэропорту.)
6. gone (Куда ушел твой учитель?)
7. chosen (Какую свадебную шляпу ты выбрала?)
8. been (Была ли Рэйчел когда-либо заграницей?)
9. left (Поезд только что уехал со станции.)
10. told (Я ничего ей не говорил.)

Источники: http://s-english.ru/uprazhneniya/irregular-verbs, http://lizasenglish.ru/grammatika/uprazhneniya-nepravilnye-glagoly.html, http://online-teacher.ru/blog/irregular-verbs

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